Wednesday, September 30, 2015

W1 Online Asignment ( foreword & preface about Wikipedia )

First , week 1 Reading have three parts. foreword and two preface about wikipedia.
writer speak the first appeareance of wikipedia is so hard. because many expert have
negative aspect and they said it is impossible in making wikipedia.
but he speak us the many reason of success in wikipedia. first , making global encyclopedia need to many expert of variety field. enternet networking system
is hard to prove written contents. but many hidden experts help to wikipedia's
content to corret mistakes and write a good articles.
There is a other reason of success in wikipedia is numerous communication in
internet network. many feedbacks are available to numerous articles, so time goes
by, the quality of article is grown faster and faster.
Final reason is ethnography. in internet newroking, there are many people that have
different culture , politic , environment. but writer mainly focused on ethnography,
wikidedia is loved by worldwide people.
In preface, writer mainly speak acquaintances that thank to their contribution and
effort to making wikipedia. he also thanks to wikipedians. without them current
wikipedia is nothing here.

Actually, Contacting Wikipedia by meself is first time in 25 years. So I don't perfectly
know about construction of wikipedia and its paradigm. but reading three text,
I realize something aspects. wikipedia is not simple encyclopedia. it have more widely
character and many advantages than encyclopedias.
First, Wikipedia have focused on core concept of collaborative community. this concept
have advantage of spontaneity. nobody enforce to any wikipedians, just they show
knowledge by themselves.
Current world society is focused on Social Networking concept. so networking system
have numoursed power all of fields. This being so, Wikipedia is assembly of the most big datas.

Over that , I so wonder that how deal with sensitive problem in wikipedia. alike Korea's
problem of member of the national assembly, or disinterested disicion of north korea's
president Kim Jeon Eun. there is no solutions about this problem ? from now wikipedia not deal with Deep point of Politics aspect or religious issue. So I want to consider to this solution of problem together.

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