Sunday, October 4, 2015

online blog writing assignment-chapter2

This context is consist of The Pursuit of the Universal Encyclopedia, The Index Card and Microfilm, Paul Otlet and the Universal Bibliographic Repertory, H. G. Wells and the “World Brain”, Digital Computers and Networks, Project Xanadu, Project Gutenberg, Interpedia, Distributed Encyclopedia, Nupedia, GNUPedia/GNE, The Web and Wikis, Wikipedia, Conclusion: Predicting the Future, Reading the Past
A Timeline of Events in chapter2.
This reading say descriptive of the ultimate aim of Wikipedia is sum of all human knowledge. and Encyclopedic Visions is scientific Dictionaries and Enlightenment Culture. “Creating a world encyclopedia, much less world peace, is a difficult task and the trivia found on Wikipedia is a source of delight to some and derision to others.” I agree on this part. at first, I am only difficult editing wikipedia. but I feel really great when completing this editing successfully even though editing is difficult still. mission of wikipedia is to give freely the sum of the world’s knowledge to every single person on the planet in the language of their choice, under a free license, so that they can modify, adapt, reuse, or redistribute it, at will. I think mission of wikipedia is Conducting greatly.
Now, all the world people use wikipedia freely. This is wikipedia's attraction.
But each of us can try each day, in our editing, in our mailing list posts, in our internet relay chats, and in our private emails, to reach for a higher standard than the Internet usually encourages, a standard of rational benevolence and love.
wikipedia has rule. if rule is not observed, it deletes.
I have experience that my article has been deleted.
So, If your editing is not deleted, you should continue to practice and try.
This technological inspiration and aspiration for global accord is quite in keeping with the heritage of Wikipedia described in this chapter.
This reading say the idea of a personal encyclopedic device is frequently attributed to Vannevar Bush. he famously outlined the idea for a memex, an “enlarged intimate supplement” to memory. This was envisioned as an electromechanical microfilm device. However, the memex was proposed in a larger context of lesser-known microfilm technologies and innovators.
As a boy, the Belgian Paul Otlet (18681944) played at the task of extracting and organizing knowledge. At the age of eighteen he wrote in his diary, “I write down everything that goes through my mind, but none of it has a sequel. That is, to gather together my material of all kinds, and connect in with everything else I had done up till now."
Later in life, in 1918, he wrote his vision was supported by “three great trends” of his time: “the power of associations, technological progress and the democratic orientation of institutions.”
How could one possibly refer to and access all of this information? Otlet proposed a classification scheme which anticipated more recent information technologies.
This primary tenet of Otlet’s schemes permitted one to “detach what the book amalgamates, to reduce all that is complex to its elements and to devote a page [or index card] to each.”
H. G. Wells is the English novelist famous for his science fiction.
He was also captivated by advances in technology and the notion of a universal reference work. Like Otlet, Wells’s notion of a universal reference work was not an immediate and solitary brainstorm.
First, Wells wrote of the implications of index cards in his outline of a Modern Utopia in 1905. Second, since at least 1928, Wells had been advocating for an internationalist revolution, one world government, or “Open Conspiracy.”36H.G. Wells, “The Open Conspiracy,”
Third, Wells was beginning to think of artifacts and institutions as a type of “super-human memory” that would prompt a mental expansion for which “the only visible limit is our planet and the entire human species.”
Yet unlike Otlet’s efforts, the World Brain never materialized beyond the ardent vision of an author.
we can discern a technologically inspired vision of a universal encyclopedia.
Otlet and Wells this collaboration was also part of their internationalist commitment.
Yet, in the first half of the twentieth century, these visions were never satisfactorily fulfilled. This vision included collaborative capabilities.
However, in the latter half of the twentieth century a new technology, the computer network, engendered new possibilities and thus inspired new directions in the creation of encyclopedias. As I read this sentences, I can know that started process of wikipedia. Wikipedia that start only thinking was possible thanks to digital computer and network.
Project Xanadu has had a complicated history of redesigns and attempts at commercial viability. Yet despite such difficulties, as conceived there were significant parallels between this work and its predecessors.
Networked system we use today, it was the wiki that made a dynamic and versioned Internet hypertext system widely available.
I first heard "Xanadu". Project Xanadu is the original hypertext and interactive multimedia system. it is compared with wikipedia.
Second line of digital lineage originates in Project Gutenberg. Project Gutenberg was responsible for one of the first publicly available reference works on the Internet, or at least part of it.
Aside from the two obvious connections between Project Gutenberg and Wikipedia, there is a lesson here central to a theme of this chapter.
This reading informs many projects. it is not familiar to me. but I can a little know this projects.
Unlike Project Gutenberg, the Interpedia project was conceived of as an encyclopedia, but this conceptualization was confused by a plethora of technical options.
The notion of an Internet-based encyclopedia was no longer novel, and as the 1990s progressed the Web became the obvious platform for any such project.
Encyclopedia having only idea have been reality.
So, Now many people can live convenient life.
Nupedia was inspired by other open source projects like Linux and the Open Directory project; the goal was to be open to all expert contribution and free of charge to all users, and Sanger’s quoted aspiration was for Nupedia to become “the world’s largest Encyclopedia.”
Under the aegis of Stallman’s GNU organization the GNUPedia would implement a proposal Stallman had drafted in 1999 for a “free universal encyclopedia and learning resource."
World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee writes that his motivation was to design the Web as “a universal medium for sharing information.”
Nupedia contributors resisted Nupedia being associated with a Web site in the wiki format. Therefore, the new project was given the name “Wikipedia”
Through this 'the web and wikis', I learned origin of wikipedia.
Since its start, Wikipedia’s growth has been extraordinary.
Struggling in their present to implement a universal encyclopedic vision is not easy. also, for a long time, no one got it quite right.
But people try and try again. And that story is revealing in at least two ways.
First, even unfulfilled visions, failed projects, and erroneous predictions tell us something about those people and their time. Second, a question throughout this chapter is why did it take so long for the vision to be realized?
In any case, the projects discussed in this chapter are attempts at realizing a universal vision, encompassing the goodwill of collaborators and reaching toward global accord.
Through this reading, I am learning wikipedia.
This teaches detailed wikipedia to me. So, I feel happy learning new informs.
But, I don't understand Distributed Encyclopedia.
I want to know A little more information.
There is sentence The “closest descendent” known to Barger was the Distributed Encyclopedia.
I want to know this meaning.
Before, When I read chapter 1, I wondered how did founder of wikipedia flash upon idea that thought to create wikipedia.
through I read this reading, I was happy that curiosity is solved a little better.

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