Friday, October 23, 2015

Online Blogging Assignment ( W2 )

This Document said at first , it announce history and community to us. Wikipedia is more powerful than simple encyclopedia. Wikipedia have a powers that activity of community and faith of collaborative of culture. Wikipedia is not discrimination of culture aspects. For example ‘white pride’ or ‘nazism’ … So it inform to characters of wikipeda. At first is vision of Wikipedia. It is now cost and nonprofit organization. So every human being can freely enjoy editing or sharing sum of all knowledge. Good point of Wikipedia is share and focus on problems of global aspect. Controversing and conversation , many single human have deeply shares this concern. This is cause of successing Wikipedia that the inspiration for free and open source Wikipedia might be the best stage of worldwide. Second character is the power of community. Only English Wikipedia users are 41,393 people in September 2008. Login your ID , you can freely editing or writing or reading .. all of activity is for free all users. This high level of freedom is more appeal many people. Moreover Wikipedia have many lingual version. So you can freely enjoy by your own languages. The third point is function of encyclopedia. This show that mean of wikipeda, “Wiki Wiki” means “Super Fast” in Hawaiian language. So wikipedai is result of that collaborative WIKIWIKIWEB softare in 1995 to indicate the ease with which one could edit pages. Wikpedia is WikiWiki + Encyclopedia . This mean that Wikipedia have cohesiveness of massive knowledge and diffusion force and exportability of online networking system. In conclusion, if wiki page can be read, it can be edited in any websites. With a Wikipedia , many users enter a simplicated markup into web page. This using the Wikipedia provide add a numbered list other web browser. This system of linking is has a number of the power of sharing. Final point of Wikipedia is the culture. this document is focused on Wikipedia’s collaborative culture. variety wealth of matefiral is a chance our interst in understanding how people make sense of their experionces together.

Entersting point is rolling system of Wikipedia. Many people said that Wikipedia is alike online encyclopedia. Seeing many of articles , there are so many links about each content per one articles. This is very interesting point. Because normal encyclopedia is not rolling system. Just combination of many people’s knowledge. But Wikipedia is not just online encyclopedia but massive online connective system based on link. If you can seeing any other one article in Wikipedia , you would find something blue underline and related to references. Every online articles may related to Wikipedia. Because Wikipedia have references system.

I think this culture and high level of freedom, Wikipedia must have to something regulated system. But this standard of regulating is what ? people have many thinking and influenced massive aspects. So there is no neutrarity line, this is very ambiguous problem. For example, South korea have south korea’s law based on culture of South Korea, Unite States have USA’s law based on USA. But Wikipedia is assembly of worldwide users. So editing something articles, there is available to collision of other users. Actually, Wikipedia is maybe not allowed to write about some topic , for example opinion of political problem , and blame of religion.. because this formed article is very sensitive cause of many problem.

1 comment:

  1. I agree what you said. Many people who have diverse culture use wikipedia. So it will be difficult to make one standard regulating system. If they want to make system, there should be process that concords each people.
