Wednesday, October 28, 2015

W7 readings

This reading introduces free culture. This is intro.
This intro start to story of Causby concerning to the Wright brothers.
On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers demonstrated that a heavier-than-air, self- propelled vehicle could fly.
Their assertion is undersood.
There was an interest in this newfound technology of manned flight, and innovators began to build upon it.
At the time the Wright brothers invented the airplane, American law held that a property owner presumptively owned all the land below, down to the center of the earth, and all the space above, to "an indefinite extent, upwards."
For many years, scholars had embarrassed about how best to construe the idea that rights in land ran to the heavens.
They wondered that means do you possess star ?
when airplanes came, this principle of American law mattered.
When North Carolina farmers Thomas Lee and Tinie Causby started losing chickens because of low-flying military aircraft.
Causby litigated Wright brothers about trespassing on their land.
Even though airplane didn't completely reach in land, Wright brothers invaded the range that Causby didn’t allow.
The Supreme Court agreed to hear the Causby's case. The air is a public highway.
They could stand on their farms, dead chickens in hand, and shake their fists at these newfangled technologies all they wanted.
Their "private interest" would not be allowed to defeat an obvious public gain.
Edwin Howard Armstrong is one of America's forgotten inventor geniuses. He came to the great American inventor scene just after the titans Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell.
Armstrong invented profoundly important technologies that advanced our understanding of radio.
On November 5, 1935, he demonstrated the technology at a meeting of the Institute of Radio Engineers at the Empire State Building in New York City.
The audience was hearing something no one had thought possible:
As our own common sense tells us, Armstrong had discovered a vastly superior radio technology. But at the time of his invention, Armstrong was working for RCA. RCA was the dominant player in the then dominant AM radio market.
RCA's president, David Sarnoff, a friend of Armstrong's, was eager that Armstrong discover a way to remove static from AM radio.
He say that the static part can remove, But when Armstrong demonstrated his invention, Sarnoff was not pleased
Armstrong's invention threatened RCA's AM empire, so the company launched a campaign to smother FM radio.
While FM may have been a superior technology, Sarnoff was a superior tactician.
RCA at first kept the technology in house, insisting that further tests were needed. When, after two years of testing, Armstrong grew impatient, RCA began to use its power with the government to stall FM radio's deployment generally.
To make room in the spectrum for RCA's latest gamble, television, FM radio users were to be moved to a totally new spectrum band.
The spread of FM radio was choked temporarily.
Armstrong resisted RCA's efforts. RCA resisted Armstrong's patents.
After incorporating FM technology into the emerging standard for television, RCA declared the patents invalid. For six years, Armstrong fought an expensive war of litigation to defend the patents. Finally, just as the patents expired, RCA offered a settlement so low that it would not even cover Armstrong's lawyers' fees. Defeated, broken, and now broke, in 1954 Armstrong wrote a short note to his wife and then stepped out of a thirteenth- story window to his death.
Through this part, I felt the hard fight that keep the patent and ignore the patent.
finally, the person that has power is winner.
Through Armstrong’s death, I thought his unfair and miserable mind.
Inventer of Internet don’t know clearly.
Yet in a very short time, the Internet has become part of ordinary American life.
Now, The Internet needs in our life. this assignment doing now also need the Internet.
As the Internet has been integrated into ordinary life, it has changed things.
Some of these changes are technical. This is not a book about the Internet.
Instead, this book is about an effect of the Internet beyond the Internet itself: an effect upon how culture is made.
The focus of the law was on commercial creativity.
the law protected the incentives of creators by granting them exclusive rights to their creative work, so that they could sell those exclusive rights in a commercial marketplace. and it has become an increasingly important part in America.
This rough divide between the free and the controlled has now been erased.
Corporations threatened by the potential of the Internet to change the way both commercial and noncommercial culture are made and shared have united to induce lawmakers to use the law to protect them.
It is the story of RCA and Armstrong; it is the dream of the Causby.
The consequence is that we are less and less a free culture, more and more a permission culture.
This change gets justified as necessary to protect commercial creativity. And protectionism is exactly its motivation.
Digital technologies could produce a vastly more competitive and vibrant market for building and cultivating culture;
The market can include much wider and more diverse range.
These modern-day equivalents of the early twentieth-century radio or nineteenth-century railroads are using their power to get the law to protect them against this new, more efficient, more vibrant technology for building culture.
Most think that we need only decide whether we're for property or against it.
Choice of piracy is our portion.
I thought we need creative property more than piracy.
piracy reduces our creative thinking. so, we don’t have subjective thinking.
So, I think that Creative property is important part in our life.
The law's response to the Internet has massively increased the effective regulation of creativity in America.
The story that follows is about this war.
There will be great harm to our tradition and culture if it is allowed to continue unchecked. We must come to understand the source of this war. We must resolve it soon.
The property of this war is not as tangible as the Causby and no innocent chicken has yet to lose its life. Yet the ideas surrounding this "property" are as obvious to most as the Causby' claim about the sacredness of their farm was to them.
Through this Causby’s story, I felt property is important.
Common sense does not revolt. Unlike in the case of the unlucky Causbys, common sense is on the side of the property owners in this war.
Unlike the lucky Wright brothers, the Internet has not inspired a revolution on its side.
Through story of Causby and Wright brothers, This reading say Important property of internet.
That while the Internet has indeed produced something fantastic and new, our government, pushed by big media to respond to this "something new," is destroying something very old.
Rather than understanding the changes the Internet might permit, and rather than taking time to let "common sense" resolve how best to respond, we are allowing those most threatened by the changes to use their power to change the law.
This reading teaches learning through story.
So, I read funny, because Internet is natural in our life, I didn't think it.
through this reading, I thought a little more about Internet.
The Internet is to help us a lot.
From now on, I will use as understanding better the internet.
Also, I wonder about Internet property in this reading.
I learn that property is more important than any other things.
I want to know detail about internet property.
In this reading middle part, the word ‘creative thinking’ appeared.
I want to know that this creative thinking also includes in internet property.

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